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Testing the boundaries of OGP

Are governments most likely to reform before joining an international initiative or once they have joined it? The answer to this question will go a long way towards explaining the impact of Open Government Partnership in the years to come.…

Mexico To Lead Open Government Partnership — Press Release

Global Organization Recognizes Mexico's Leadership on Government Transparency and Digital Democracy For immediate release NEW YORK -- Mexico today assumed the chairmanship of the Open Government Partnership in a ceremony at the United Nations. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto was…

“What can OGP do for me?”

We know that the Open Government Partnership is a powerful tool to implement national-level change. Brazil enacted its Freedom of Information Law thanks to OGP, the UK committed to public registries of beneficial owners of companies, the United States signed…

Challenges for Open Government implementation in Mexico

Tomorrow Mexico will become lead Co-chair of the Steering Committee of the Open Government Partnership (OGP). The concept of Open Government has gained worldwide importance. This concept combines transparency, access to information, and citizen participation principles, policies and actions oriented…

OGP as a platform

Being within OGP, or even at the head of OGP, does not turn your country into a paragon of openness. On the contrary, it opens your country up to a process where you are criticised and supported. What it does…

Indonesian Youth: The Dark Horse of Democratic Change

1998 was the year when Indonesia started to question their identity by deconstructing their past to the future. Taking parallels to the Greek mythology, a literal Pandora box had been unleashed along the process. People in Indonesia have witnessed how…

Open Government Partnership