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Brazil Invests in Open Government to Tackle Environmental Challenges

Investing again in the potential of open government, Brazil has committed to a number of actions to tackle environmental issues through its latest OGP action plan.

OGLC Blog – Featured Image

Announcing the Open Government Leadership Collaborative

The Open Government Leadership Collaborative (OGLC) pilot program sought to enhance the leadership capacity of reformers within the context of their work. As the program expands...

OGP Leaders Network Cover

Reflections from the OGP Leaders Network Pilot Program

The OGP Leaders Network Program Over the years, OGP has evolved as a prominent platform for thematic reform and ambition, and initiatives like the OGP Leaders Network (2020-2021) have catalyzed thematic leadership across the Partnership. The Leaders Network was designed…


New OGP IRM Report For UK Finds Minimum Standards Were Not Met

As a co-founder of OGP, the United Kingdom has been a global leader on open government and anti-corruption efforts, implementing four open government action plans to date. However, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) has completed its review of the UK’s most recent action plan, finding that it has failed to meet minimum standards that are required when developing an OGP action plan. 

Strategy Update Blog – July

Update on Co-Creating the Future of OGP

Just over two months ago, we launched the process to co-create OGP’s new strategy for 2023-2028. As part of the first phase of this process, we’re asking the OGP community and beyond about the role and relevance of open government for the next five years.


Civic Space and Open Government Reform in Asia and the Pacific

Now more than ever, it is critical that countries in the region address civic space restrictions both through the OGP framework and beyond. Here are a few actions to take.


A Look Inside OGP Local Action Plans from the Eastern Partnership

Since 2020, OGP Local has welcomed eleven new local members from the Eastern Partnership region; in 2020, we welcomed Akhaltsikhe, Khoni, and Ozurgeti in Georgia; Khmelnytskyi, Vinnytsia and Ternopil in Ukraine and Vanadzor and Gyumri in Armenia, and in 2022 Kutaisi and Rustavi from Georgia and Armavir and Yerevan from Armenia joined the Partnership. 

Open Government Partnership