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Indonesian Youth: The Dark Horse of Democratic Change

1998 was the year when Indonesia started to question their identity by deconstructing their past to the future. Taking parallels to the Greek mythology, a literal Pandora box had been unleashed along the process. People in Indonesia have witnessed how…

OGP Turns Three, Celebrates Success and Looks to the Future

Next week Heads of State and civil society leaders from across the Open Government Partnership’s 64 countries will come together to celebrate three years of one of the world’s most innovative international organisations. As is always the case at OGP…

Faces of Open Government – Linda Frey

In this week's newsletter we feature Linda Frey, Executive Director of the Open Government Partnership. She talks to us about OGP's vision and four-year strategy which is launching today.   What does the publication of this strategy signify about OGP’s evolution?…

Open Government Contracts Platform

More than 60 governments have committed to the Open Government Partnership (OGP), making their government data available to enable public scrutiny and citizen monitoring, and enhance government accountability. The Open Contracting community is devising Open Contracting Data Standards to enhance…

Open Data: Potential Source for National Empowerment

It was 35 °C outside, yet Fauzan Helmi Sudaryanto traveled all the way from University of Indonesia at Depok, West Java to Open Government Indonesia Secretariat located at Central Jakarta. He was invited to deliver a presentation about Jakarta Flood…

Open Government Partnership