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OGP CSC Newsletter – Post OGP Summit updates

Dear Colleagues, Two weeks ago the first two Regional Meetings of 2014 took place, the Europe and Asia Pacific ones. The European summit focused on peer learning and explored the role of local government, the European Union and the private…

OGP in Action: Hard Talk in a Soft Space

Unfolding within the walls of Dublin Castle last week was an experiment on OGPs peer exchange model. Named “OGP in Action”, these sessions at the European Regional Meeting in Dublin tried a new format to encourage an open exchange of…

Watch & Engage with #OGPDublin Live

The OGP Europe Regional Meeting takes place May 8-9 in Dublin.  For those of you unable to be in Ireland, some sessions can be watched live. Access details can be found below. We also welcome your input in real time via…

Expanding Open Government Opportunities In Asia-Pacific

31 countries will participate in the first Open Government Partnership Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on May 6-7, hosted by the Government of Indonesia in Bali. For a region with over 60% of the world’s population, the conference is a tremendous opportunity…

Open Government Partnership