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Preparing for OGP Steering Committee meeting- Bali

At the beginning of next week Indonesia will host the first OGP Steering Committee Meeting of 2014. This ministerial level meeting will take place on the days before the Asia Pacific Regional Meeting and has a packed agenda. What should…

Opening governments in Europe

Dublin page.jpg   Open government advocates sometimes struggle to offer a compelling vision of what they stand for. Too often the esoteric jargon around the issues obscures the fundamentals of an open society, in which civil society has space to…

Nomination for OGP Steering Committee members opened

The nomination phase for new OGP Civil Society Steering Committee members is now open (and will run to June 15).  If you know somebody or have the ability to engage strategically and effectively at the global level with senior government…

A new dawn for open government in Italy?

The last couple of months have been quite an interesting time for those advocating for open government in Italy. The Italian government officially began participating in OGP in September 2011 and developed its first two-year action plan in early 2012…

42 Voices About Open Government – Continuous Improvement

I am part of an international project called "42 Voices About Open Government". The Catalan version was presented at the Mobile World Centre in Barcelona on April 10, 2014, with the participation of the Catalan writer Màrius Serra, who conducted…

Launching the first Open Government Awards

This post originally appeared on and has been republished with permission from the authors.  The demand from citizens for open, honest and accountable governments is common across the world. Any government that does not respond risks its legitimacy. This…

Together for OGP

Macedonia.jpg “Two years ago I was in this alone and now it’s seventy of us” – said the national coordinator for OGP in Macedonia, Irena Bojadzievska, in her opening speech for the second public consultative meeting for the action plan…

Open Government Partnership