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Scrivere per il blog di Open Government Partnership

Voi siete gli esperti. Allora perché non scrivere per il blog di OGP?  Stiamo cercando articoli tra le 200-400 parole, ma possiamo essere flessibili. Non vi chiediamo di scrive specificamente su l’Open Government Partnership ma un minimo, scrivete su un…

Писать для блога Open Government Partnership

Вы эксперт. Так почему бы не писать для блога OGP?  Мы принимаем статьи в 200-400 слов, однако это не является абсолютным ограничением. Мы не просим писать конкретно об Open Government Partnership, но как минимум, на темы, имеющие отношения к одному или…

“SOLUSIMU” nominated for Open Government Awards 2014

SOLUSIMU.jpg Image caption: The consultation meeting for nomination process Innovation is a paramount aspect to improve the quality of policy and public services. Government is not the only one who is responsible to spark the innovation, yet citizens are welcomed to…

Overview of’s Open Government Week

It's 2004. You show up at your neighborhood polling station and... it's empty. No cars in the lot, no placards advertising the local candidates, and no volunteers clutching literature as you make your approach. Did you show up at the…

Australia: Youth and University Deregulation

Sydneyoperahouse.JPG Australia joined the Open Government Partnership in the middle of last year. Its inclusion to the partnership is an important addition. Not only does Australia have one of the most robust democratic institutions according to The Economist, it also…

Open Government Partnership