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Algorithms and Human Rights: Understanding Their Impacts

Human rights algorithmic impact assessments have emerged as an accountability tool to identify potential harms, mitigate unintended impacts, and inform policy decisions on the use of algorithms across key policy areas including health, and education. 


Faces of Open Government: Philip Thigo

Philip Thigo has been the OGP point of contact in the Government of Kenya for many years, working with civil society partners to advance the open government agenda in the country.

Online Discussions – Featured Image

What We’re Hearing: A Look at the Online Discussions of the Future of OGP

This blog post includes provisional results of our online strategy discussions. The results will be out of date as soon as this is published. You can dig into the live results yourself at the bottom of this post. Last month…


Toward Gender and Youth-Focused Sustainable Development at the Local Level

The 2030 Agenda is a key tool to deepen the open government development model. Working with an array of stakeholders like the private sector...

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Supreme Audit Institutions: Natural Allies to Open Government

Governments are entrusted with the power to collect, allocate, and spend public funds. Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) provide a check on governments’ use of public resources through regular audits of government budgets and expenditures. SAIs provide objective and unbiased information…

voting in an election

Charting the Course to Strengthen Political Integrity

This analysis was originally published on the Global Data Barometer website here. Governments should serve citizens rather than the other way around. This concept is at the heart of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), an international initiative that brings together more than…

Woman in Bogota, Colombia

Top Eight Lessons from the Past Six Years of OGP Local

The new report from the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) highlights the main results and key successes of 68 commitments implemented by 12 OGP Local members between 2018 and 2021 and offers a glimpse of the challenges and lessons learned.

Open Government Partnership