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Developing an open government plan in the open

UK OGP NAP Launch.jpg Read about how the UK's 2013-15 National Action Plan was developed, the benefits, and what we learnt: New laws, standards, policies, processes and technologies are critical for opening up government, but arguably just as (if not…

Winning back trust through open government

Governments the world over are struggling with the extent of the global surveillance revelations and the deep shock this has left everyone in. The level of trust in government has declined to new lows. How can citizens trust their governments…

Why Pakistan should join the Open Government Partnership

For any government to move forward towards a better democratic system, it must find scalable ways to work alongside stakeholders and ensure citizen participation in the policymaking process. The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is an international, multilateral initiative launched in 2011 to…

Governance and Prosperity across the world

The past years of turmoil in the Middle East as well as anti-austerity protests in Europe and other on-going struggles for freedom of expression and political participation remind us of the importance of stable, transparent, and accountable government. In light…

Open Government Partnership