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Governance and Prosperity across the world

The past years of turmoil in the Middle East as well as anti-austerity protests in Europe and other on-going struggles for freedom of expression and political participation remind us of the importance of stable, transparent, and accountable government. In light…

Interoperabilidad: Esencia del Open Government y de la Smart City

El pasado viernes día 10 de mayo, el Departamento de Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad Rovira i Virgili de Tarragona celebró un seminario sobre Open Government y Smart Cities. En este seminario -uno de los primeros en abordar especialmente las claves del Open Government también…

I Jornada de Transparencia de la Generalitat de Catalunya

Carlos.jpg El día 28 de octubre se ha celebrado en Barcelona, en el Palau de la Generalitat, sede del gobierno catalán, la I Jornada de Transparencia de la Generalitat de Catalunya (#TransparenciaGC).  En este evento focalizado en la perspectiva de…

Secrecy is getting in the way of effective government

This article originally appeared on and was written by Mo Ibrahim Leaders are embracing the idea that democracy is enhanced by information, says Mo Ibrahim. We have seen a global financial crisis triggered by bad corporate governance and increasing political unrest, from…

New Zealand and the OGP: A Civil Society View

NZ.jpg Photo credit: The Icy Blue Lake by Trey Ratcliff via Flickr. Transparency International New Zealand very much welcomes the announcement this week that New Zealand has now officially joined the OGP. We see OGP membership as an important opportunity…

Open Government Partnership