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‘Many vested interests benefit from a lack of open government’

This article originally appeared on the Guardian Public Leaders Network: Open Government 2013  One key challenge is to strengthen the link between transparency and accountability, says OGP moderator. In the first of a series of interviews with speakers and attendees at…

Q&A with Paul Maassen

Over 1500 reformers from government and civil society are gathering in London this week for the annual summit of the Open Government Partnership (OGP). Paul Maassen is the Civil Society Coordinator who has been informing civil society about the OGP,…

The IBP at the OGP

Originally posted at  At the end of the week I will join over 1,000 delegates from over 60 countries at the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Annual Summit in London. This is the second OGP Summit since its inception in 2011…

OGP Thematic Working Groups: Find out more at the upcoming Summit

Recognizing that good ideas come from everywhere, one of OGP’s top priorities is to find practical ways to share experiences and inspiration across the partnership. That is why we are extremely excited to be formally launching five new thematic working…

Langkah Maju Menuju Reformasi Tata Kelola

1280px-Jakarta_Panorama.jpg Laporan IRM OGP Indonesia untuk mendapatkan komentar publik telah diterbitkan. Sebagai negara yang sedang bertumbuh (emerging country), Indonesia menaruh rencana aksi yang cukup ambisius, meski hanya 5 dari action plan yang selesai sesuai kerangka waktu, dengan 7 lainnya sedang…

Step Forward to Governance Reform

1280px-Jakarta_Panorama.jpg Indonesia’s OGP IRM report to obtain public comments has been publishing. As an emerging country, Indonesia drafted a pretty ambitious action plan, although only 5 of 12 actions were completed within the time frame, while the other 7 commitments…

Open Government Partnership