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IRM releases UK report for public comment

The Open Government Partnership’s Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) has launched its third report, this one on the UK which can be found below. IRM progress reports are carried out by an independent researcher under the guidance of an International Experts'…

Analysis of the UK IRM Report

The UK is now deep into the detail of developing the commitments which will form its second National Action Plan. This will be published at the Annual Summit at the end of October.  The release of the IRM report on…

Delivering on foreign assistance transparency

country-united-states.jpg As a co-founder of the Open Government Partnership, the Obama Administration presented its first National Action Plan (NAP) in 2011. Importantly, this plan included the commitment to “release and implement government wide reporting requirements for foreign aid.” The OMB bulletin released in September 2012…

Right to Know Day

Right to Know Day is on 28 September! Publish What You Pay Indonesia will hold a series of activities to raise the issue of the right to information and public transparency, such as: 1. On-line discussion via Google+ Hangout Google+…

Philippines: The real work is in the implementation

The Philippines is one of the eight countries that founded the OGP. As early as mid-2011, a steering committee was established to drive the process of developing the OGP Action Plan, which was occurring in tandem with the government’s Good…

IRM Releases Brazil Report for Comment

The Open Government Partnership’s Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) has now launched the second IRM report on Brazil, which can also be found below. The IRM’s goal is to deliver a credible, non-partisan description of the process behind the implementation of a country’s…

Webinar: OGP Access to Information Working Group

The Open Government Partnership and the World Bank Institute are pleased to announce a webinar to introduce the OGP Access to Information Working Group on Monday, September 30, 2013 at 10:00 AM EST. We hope you can join us. Please see the details below. REGISTER for the webinar here: Date & Time Monday,…

Open Government Partnership