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Analysis of the South Africa IRM Report

The South Africa IRM report captures well a reality which has been evident for a while. There is strong government commitment to accountability and responsiveness – but citizens are often excluded from decision-making and able to ensure that government does…

The Opening Government Guide to support national action plans

In the run up to the upcoming Open Government Partnership (OGP) Summit, in London on October 31, countries are at different stages in developing and updating their plans to improve their openness and accountability to citizens. The Opening Government Guide…

MDG: Brazilian Transparency and accountability

Since  August,  2012,  BEMFAM  (Family  Welfare  in  Brazil),  a  Brazilian  NGO  focused  on  family planning,  sexual  and  reproductive  health  and  sexual  and  reproductive  rights,  has  been developing  a  project  in  partnership  with  IPPF  (International Planned Parenthood  Federation) on the Brazilian’s…

USA: Civil society must keep pushing

Open government principles were well entrenched within the Obama Administration by the time the Open Government Partnership was launched in September 2011. Since the first day of Obama’s presidency, in January 2009, the federal government has worked to make government…

Open Government Partnership