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Netherlands: Going Local with Open Government

The Netherlands submitted its letter of intent to join the OGP in September 2011 and the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations presented a draft Action Plan to the OGP Steering Committee in April 2012. This Plan was written…


The Open Government Partnership has 60 participating countries, and the demand for open and accountable government continues to build around the world.  After a period of rapid growth, we’ve decided as an initiative to double down on delivery.  In other words,…

Journalism and #opengov [SURVEY]

Photo: Richard Sambrook What role could news organisations and reporters play regarding open government? Writing in We Media, former director of global news at the BBC, Richard Sambrook, has revealed that he is leading a study of the role and…

The Race is on for Flagship Commitments

After lots of behind the scenes activity, the starting gun for the next OGP International Summit was fired this week; the invitations to the 60 OGP member governments have been sent out. The Summit has three key aims, to: drive…

e-DIRAP Open Government Google+ Hangout

e-DIRAP organized a Google+ Hangout on the topic of Open Government on Thursday, 25 July 2013 at UTC/GMT 04:30-05:30. This Hangout brought together professionals from government, civil society, academia and the private sector to discuss issues related to open government in…

Open Data in Latin America: Here to stay

This post originally appeared on the Sunlight Foundation blog and has been republished with permission from the author. Two weeks ago, Uruguay, a small Latin American country, had the pleasure of hosting open data and transparency activists from different corners of…

Open Government Partnership