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Ireland and the Open Government Partnership

DublinBridge.png  Brendan Howlin's article was originally posted on website of the Department for Public Expenditure and Reform. It has been cross-posted here with his department's permission. The announcement concerning Ireland's decision to participate in OGP can be found here. There is…

La Agenda Post-2015, una oportunidad para la gobernanza

En el ámbito internacional, la Agenda para el Desarrollo Post-2015 es la siguiente estrategia para que los países miembros de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) persigan nuevos objetivos de desarrollo sustentables que retomen y rebasen a los actuales…

The UK’s Transparency Agenda

The following post is one of nine articles published for a special supplement, Innovating Government on a Global Stage, produced for the Open Government Partnership in the Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR). To view the original post, please visit the…

Innovating Modern Democracy, in Brazil and Globally

The following post is one of nine articles published for a special supplement, Innovating Government on a Global Stage, produced for the Open Government Partnership in the Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR). To view the original post, please visit the SSIR website.  On April 17, 2012, Brazil…

Open Government Partnership