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Zambia and the OGP – is it really worth the effort?

Is there a movement towards open government? Certainly the plethora of countries signing-up-to or expressing interest in joining the Open Government Partnership (OGP) indicates that there might be.  One of these is Zambia, where there is mounting pressure to join…

Why it’s High Time for Politics 2.0

People now live their day-to-day lives in a society that is fundamentally different from how it was before the new millennium. We are living in a world of globalization where open agile networking has penetrated every corner of our existence.…

El blindaje de la transparencia y las garantías constitucionales

La transparencia es uno de los principios fundamentales que se asocian al Gobierno Abierto. La Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE) define: “Transparencia: cualidad de transparente (…) que implica claridad, evidencia, sin duda ni ambigüedad). Garantía: que asegura y…

ECI Day in Brussels: Civil Society, make it work!

The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) has been one year in practice, but neither EU politicians nor civil society organisations are happy with the instrument. Originally praised as the first tool of transnational direct democracy, “ECI Day” in Brussels on 9…

Open Government Partnership