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Entendiendo el gobierno abierto: Una experiencia Uruguaya

El pasado diciembre, tuve el placer de moderar una mesa redonda, como académico y miembro de  DATA , sobre la situación del gobierno abierto en Uruguay.  Servidores públicos, organizaciones internacionales, desarrolladores, investigadores y activistas, discutieron que significa (al menos en…

Moving Forward Open Government: A Uruguayan experience

Entendiendo el gobierno abierto: Una experiencia Uruguaya Last December 2012, I had the pleasure to chair in my academic capacity and as a member of DATA  a round table about open government in Uruguay where government officials, civil society advocates,…

Whatever happened to Gov 2.0?

The digital revolution is here and governments are running out of places to hide. Policy Exchange wants your help to understand the challenges and opportunities ahead A couple of months ago it was time to renew my driving licence. This…

How to implement a local democracy barometer

In my previous post, I spoke about the importance of creating a democracy barometer, which would measure the level of democracy across countries to make comparisons easier. Instead of just identifying the need for this barometer, I wanted to explore…

Partnering for Open Governments: The IDB Approach

The Interamerican Development Bank shares the view that the concept of open government is a platform for rethinking public management and the way governments engage with civil society. Open Government Partnership (OGP) is not just another transparency initiative, but rather…

Open Government beyond open data and transparency

The term “Open Government” (OG, hereafter) has been used since the 70s to refer to the effort to reduce bureaucratic opacity and open up governments to public scrutiny. Current notions of GA are thus the result of more than four…

Open Government Partnership