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Hungary: update on OGP progress

The Hungarian government published its draft action at the end of January. While it was developed in cooperation with CSO participants, the final draft does not contain but a few elements of the NGOs’ suggestions - its major part is…

Open Government: The Indonesian Experience

As one of the founding members and the current supporting co-chair of Open Government Partnership, Indonesia has its own experiences dealing with the issues of opening its government. This blog post explores the unique situations and dynamics of open government…

What’s Ahead for the Open Government Partnership Support Unit?

By Linda Frey, OGP Support Unit Executive Director On January 2nd I started as Executive Director of the Open Government Partnership Support Unit.  Quite a mouthful, huh?  Most of my family members still have only a vague sense of what this…

Austria : Leading the Open Government Implementation Model

The City of Vienna was the first public agency in a German speaking country to develop an Open Government Initative and to commit itself to the concept of Open Data – an open and transparent system that makes city data available to…

Open Government Partnership