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Open Government beyond open data and transparency

The term “Open Government” (OG, hereafter) has been used since the 70s to refer to the effort to reduce bureaucratic opacity and open up governments to public scrutiny. Current notions of GA are thus the result of more than four…

Open Government sees Promise after Kenya Elections

After an impressive turnout in Monday’s presidential elections, one thing is clear about Kenya: citizens are energized and ready to participate in shaping the future of their country. Despite concerns of violence, voters in Kenya were undeterred and turned out…

Webinar on E-Petitions – Giving Voice to Citizens

The Open Government Partnership Networking Mechanism is pleased to announce a Webinar on E-Petitions - Giving Voice to Citizens taking place on Tuesday, March 19, 2013, 10:00 - 11:00 AM Washington DC (EST) | 2:00 - 3:00 PM London (GMT). Please see the details below. REGISTER for…

Bucharest, Romania – 26 high school students, 14 hours of programming in 2 days, 5 ambitious online platforms aimed at improving government transparency and accountability. This describes the event that took place this past weekend (23/24 February 2013) at the…

OGP Independent Reporting Mechanism [TELECON INVITE]

[Español abajo] Dear OGP Stakeholders, The Independent Reporting Mechanism's (IRM) Research Guide is currently up for comment by all OGP stakeholders (governmental and non-governmental). We would like to offer you the opportunity to interact with members of the International Experts' Panel…

Open Government Partnership