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Digital Planning Seminar: Living in Digital Environments

On Thursday October 25th 2012 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Fundación CiGob - Development of Science and Methods of Government along with Thinknet conducted a workshop about Digital Planning, which brought together experts and referents from the public sector related to…

Third OGP European Outreach Meeting in Rome

About 80 representatives from 16 governments, international organisations and five civil society organisations came together on 10th December, 2012 in Rome to debate at the third European Outreach Meeting of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) dedicated to Transparency, participation and…

Inspiring Innovation through New Technology and Citizen Engagement

Making All Voices Count (MAVC) was launched at a big event hosted by USAID in Washington DC on 5th December attended by representatives from governments, NGOs, the private sector and technologists. This $45 million Grand Challenge for Development is based…

Steering Committee sets out Multilateral Engagement Framework for OGP

Meeting of the Members of the OGP Steering Committee The OGP Steering Committee has set out a Multilateral Engagement Framework for Multilateral and international organisations to take part in the Open Government Partnership (OGP). In order to take part, organisations…

IRM senior advisers: names announced

Mo Ibrahim, Mary Robinson, Graça Machel   The names of the three senior advisers who will sit on the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) international expert panel were unveiled yesterday, and they certainly meet the high expectations of the international opengov…

Open Government Partnership