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Hearing from you: OGP’s Government Survey

The Open Government Partnership’s success is built on the depth and range of our conversations with our growing community. Now that the majority of OGP countries have at least two months of experience in implementing action plans, we want to…

OGP: Progress in South Africa

In South Africa spring is newly sprung, and that energy has been channeled into a comprehensive civil society monitoring plan for the South African Open Government Partnership Commitments. South Africa, as a founding partner, lodged its Action Plan of eight…

Open Government Partnership August Update

The OGP publishes a monthly newsletter. Want to receive it? Please email info [at] with 'subscribe to OGP newsletter' in the header. This month's edition can be found below in English. Please feel free to post your comments at…

When will Poland join the OGP?

Poland.png Among the new member countries which have joined the EU since 2004, Poland and Slovenia are the only ones that have not joined the Open Government Partnership (OGP) yet.  For Poland, this is surprising as the country had met…

Open Data in India: Where’s the data anyway?

PledgeNoBribe.png India is an increasingly relevant example when making a case for open data in governance in developing countries. The passage of the Right to Information Act (RTI) in 2005 is a milestone in the changing face of the citizen-government…

Quality data = bigger savings

Last month’s post on how open data is a major factor of economic growth was an important analysis of the wider debate on the impact open data has on governance. Worldwide, businesses and public bodies are unfortunately facing a lack of quality…

OGP Strategic Plan: Your Comments?

This strategy [PDF] sets out how the Open Government Partnership intends to build on the momentum that in year one has seen it it has grow to include 57 participating countries who embrace the OGP Declaration of Principles and commit to develop, implement…

Opening Doors: The European Approach to Open Government

  Last week we looked at open data policies in the EU. The Open agenda however goes beyond open data; it also includes transparency and civic participation. This week, we take a look at the mechanisms that the EU has…

Is the European Union’s democratic deficit an openness-deficit?

The European Union’s institutions have been criticised from the early days for the “democratic deficit”, namely the lack of those mechanisms that give legitimacy to national governments. Increasingly though, the debate is shifting towards a different and yet related criticism…

Open Government Partnership