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So What’s In Those OGP Action Plans, Anyway?

Originally posted on Over the last few weeks, Global Integrity has been busy poring over National Action Plans submitted by Open Government Partnership participant countries to make sense of the heaps of commitments contained therein. Last month we presented…

Helping countries join OGP: your toolkit ideas

Brochure2.jpg The Open Government Partnership is creating an onboarding pack to welcome new countries to the initiative and we want your opinion on what you think should be included. Your responses will help to inform and guide the materials that…

OGP Civil Society Survey: please participate!

Are you a member of civil society interested in OGP? If so, take our online survey! It will help us understand how civil society can be involved more and more efficiently to improve the working of OGP. We will also…

Bulgaria shows progress on open governance commitments

A month ago the Bulgarian cabinet voted in a 33 point action plan for achieving open governance. The main goals of this plan are financial transparency, public registry improvement, public consultation and corporate social responsibility. One of the most important…

What model for the south?

A snap survey conducted by Local Interventions Group in Kavre district of Nepal predictably reveals that in average 87% of the public are unaware of the money that the government is spending in their villages for education, health and infrastructure.…

Open Government Partnership