Making Transportation Transparent
Buenos Aires is a city full of buses and people. By publishing transport data and allowing residents to use it, the government was able to collaborate and to create a more effective transportation system.
Buenos Aires is a city full of buses and people. By publishing transport data and allowing residents to use it, the government was able to collaborate and to create a more effective transportation system.
In this Voices of Open Government episode, learn from a reformer in Kaduna, Nigeria about how we can inspire local governments to be more innovative in delivering public services and why incentivizing citizens to collaborate is critical.
After 10 years, the IRM is adapting the target and timing of recommendations. Let’s look at how IRM recommendations have evolved over time, what to expect from...
COVID-19 disrupted the globe in unprecedented ways, forcing people and organizations in all corners of the world to adjust to a new reality. OGP was no exception.
On paper, the Western Balkans have some of the most progressive Freedom of Information (FOI) laws in Europe. All OGP members in the region...
Justice has become one of the most popular policy areas across the Partnership and the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) has found many of these commitments to be highly impactful.
Amid concerns over public sector corruption in Spain, Madrid’s City Council gives citizens greater insight into who influences government decisions, by introducing a mandatory registry for lobbyists.
Ines Pousadela is a researcher for OGP’s Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) and is a Senior Research Specialist at CIVICUS.
Inés Pousadela es investigadora del Mecanismo de Revisión Independiente (IRM por sus siglas en inglés) de OGP y especialista...
Since 2015, INAI has been promoting its co-creation strategy, working to gradually pave the way...
El INAI desde 2015 impulsa la Estrategia de cocreación desde lo local con el objetivo de cimentar paulatinamente...
Since its creation in 2011, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) has successfully promoted open government reforms in 78 countries. Of these...
Desde que se creó en 2011, la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (OGP por sus siglas en inglés) ha promovido reformas de...
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