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Environmental Democracy: Where Open Government and the Escazu Agreement Meet

In 2018, 22 countries from Latin America and the Caribbean reached a historical milestone in environmental democracy by signing the Escazu Agreement. In 2020, 20 countries have ratified the treaty and one more ratification is missing to make this a reality...

Open Sign

An Extraordinary Gathering to Build Back Better

We witnessed an extraordinary gathering on September 24, 2020.  In the midst of the pandemic, amidst global protests against inequality and systemic racism, amidst an unprecedented rise in authoritarian leaders attacking democracy and civic freedoms, a coalition of world leaders ...


Data Readiness, Response, Recovery and Reform

COVID-19 has brought to light how gaps in public health-related data hinder pandemic readiness, response, and recovery. These gaps, along with the pre-existing inequalities exacerbated by them, have increased the urgency to shift to demand-driven publication of data and identification of data types needed across different regions and contexts.

Open Government Partnership