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Closed Democracies in Latin America? Openness at a Crossroads

Democracy is facing challenging times globally and especially in Latin America. In this region, only three countries are considered full democracies and democracy is backsliding overall.


Improving Governance by Asking Questions that Matter

Learn how the 100 Questions Initiative is strengthening governance through the use of effective, efficient and equitable data.

Vaccines with pink cap

8 Reasons Why Vaccine Procurement Should Be Open

The COVID-19 vaccine rollout has, once again, put public contracts back in the spotlight. In the urgency to vaccinate the world’s population as quickly as possible, the OGP community must advocate for open contracting approaches to be implemented as part of governments’ open response to the pandemic.

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Mainstreaming Gender, Diversity and Inclusion in Open Government

The evidence is clear: we know that inequality exists and that it violates the rights of women, the LGBTQIA+ community, people living with disabilities, indigenous peoples and other collectives...

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#DigitalAgainstCOVID19 Innovation Challenge: Meet the Finalists

In 2020, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Open Government Partnership (OGP) launched an innovation challenge to explore how to leverage digital technology to strengthen the monitoring of COVID-19-related spending and improve feedback and grievance redressal mechanisms. We heard…

woman in the market

Overcoming Women’s Barriers to Participating in Entrepreneurship and Public Procurement in Africa

Despite positive steps taken on international, regional and national levels to promote strategies for women’s economic empowerment and inclusion, evidence still suggests that women are being excluded from public procurement processes.

Oficina cocriaçao

Strengthening Citizen Engagement During a Pandemic: A Look at São Paulo, Brazil

Leia em portugues aqui. The greatest lesson that São Paulo will carry from its second open government action plan is that collaboration matters and is an essential tool for effective answers to public challenges. In 2020, social participation during the…


Debt Transparency: An Open Government Solution to Mitigating Debt Crises

Growing debt over the last two decades has left many resource-rich African countries on the verge of debt crises. Read how open government approaches can help.

Open Government Partnership