Lessons from Reformers: Oversight and Monitoring of the Police
Learn how OGP members are advancing partnerships and community-oriented policing.
Learn how OGP members are advancing partnerships and community-oriented policing.
Read how open gov reformers are maximizing the transparency and accountability of the police.
Learn how OGP members are maximizing the transparency and accountability of the court system.
Learn how OGP members are improving transparency and public oversight of their use of pretrial detention.
Learn how OGP members are improving access to and the quality of legal aid.
See how OGP members are using their action plans to engage LGBTQIA+ communities and address their values and needs.
Desde 2019, la campaña Rompiendo los roles de OGP ha invitado a los reformadores de gobierno abierto a ser más conscientes, estratégicos y ambiciosos en sus esfuerzos por incorporar la perspectiva de mujeres y diversidad de género en sus planes…
Read reflections from the Open Gov Digital Youth Summit and how young people are playing a critical role in pushing for a more transparent, fair and equitable response and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Lee las reflexiones de la reciente Cumbre de la Juventud Digital y las conclusiones sobre cómo podemos continuar promoviendo la inclusión de la juventud en los procesos de gobierno abierto.
From the COVID-19 pandemic to the heightening climate crisis to an increase in authoritarian overreach, 2020 has sorely tested the strength of democracies globally. Even while the world continues to reel from the effects of these multiple threats, at least…
Con la pandemia del COVID-19, la crisis climática y el alza en el autoritarismo, 2020 ha puesto a prueba la fortaleza de las democracias de todo el mundo. En medio de los efectos de estas amenazas, hay por lo menos…
Read how reformers in Kaduna, Nigeria are empowering citizens to monitor major government projects and help the government plan and allocate funding for those projects more efficiently
Read how reformers in Sierra Leone are strengthening auditing bodies to reduce corruption in planning and spending.
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