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Community paralegals conduct outreach in the Mamusa community.

Featured Commitment: Expanding Community-Based Justice Services

Read about Sierra Leone's commitment to develop a national access to justice policy and a directorate for community-based justice services. This commitment is featured in the "What's in the 2019 Action Plans" publication.

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Featured Commitment: Regulation of Stakeholders

Read about Italy's commitment to design a public, standardized register of stakeholders across the government. This commitment is featured in the "What's in the 2019 Action Plans" publication.

Latvian Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš and Director of State Chancellery Janis Citskovskis meet with OGP Chief Executive Officer Sanjay Pradhan and team

Featured Commitment: Transparency in Lobbying

Read how Latvia is tackling high levels of public distrust through lobbying transparency. This commitment is featured in the "What's in the 2019 Action Plans" publication.

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Featured Commitment: Federalization of the Micaela Law

Read how Argentina is addressing gender-based violence through the Micaela Law. This commitment is featured in the "What's in the 2019 Action Plans" publication.

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Featured Commitment: Access to Justice for Environmental Matters

Read how Ecuador is expanding access to environmental information, opportunities to participate in environmental decision-making, and access to justice for environmental matters. This commitment is featured in the "What's in the 2019 Action Plans" publication.

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Featured Commitment: Technology Rights and Privacy

Read how Mexico is seeking to address the lack of regulation and supervision of government digital surveillance. This commitment is featured in the "What's in the 2019 Action Plans" publication.

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Featured Commitment: Publish Beneficial Ownership Data

Read how the Slovak Republic is expanding their beneficial ownership work. This commitment is featured in the "What's in the 2019 Action Plans" publication.

Nigeria (Beneficial Ownership)

Featured Commitment: Establish Beneficial Ownership Registry

Read how Nigeria plans to tackle money laundering, drug trafficking, terrorism, and grand corruption by establishing a beneficial ownership register. This commitment is featured in the "What's in the 2019 Action Plans" publication.


Fiscal Data for Emergency Response: Guide for COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many governments to launch emergency spending and tax policy measures to mitigate the impact on the health of their people and economies. GIFT's practical guide helps practitioners identify the datasets and data fields that are required for informed internal decision-making and transparent disclosure of information related to emergency responses.

A group of people wearing masks and discussing

Don’t Let Cash Slip Away: Strengthening Government Oversight of Stimulus Spending Through Disclosure and Public Participation

Explore why public participation and disclosure are crucial elements for a robust government oversight mechanism. This is the third blog in a limited series on strengthening government oversight of stimulus spending.

Open Government Partnership