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Asia Graphics

Open Response + Open Recovery: Conversations with Asia-Pacific’s Open Gov Community

On July 7, over 100 open government reformers across the Asia-Pacific region convened for the conversation “Open Response + Open Recovery: Inclusive Participation and Civic Space in Times of Crisis”. The discussion focused on how reformers in the region are working to maintain inclusive civic participation and protect and expand civic space during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is what we heard.


As We Face New Challenges, Open Gov Champions Step Up

In early 2020, OGP started looking for new candidates to fill three seats in the OGP Civil Society Steering Committee. The list of candidates this year was particularly strong and we are grateful to the impressive civil society leadership OGP can rely on.


Making Trillion Dollar Stimulus and Safety Nets Work for All: The Essential Steps We Can Take Now

OGP CEO Sanjay Pradhan calls on governments, citizens, civil society, businesses and others to join together to shape COVID-19 stimulus and safety nets and follow the money to save millions of lives and livelihoods.

Europe Webinar Screen Grab + Map

Open Response + Open Recovery: Conversations with Europe’s Open Gov Community

Read how Europe's open government community is leveraging the OGP platform during the pandemic and tackling the challenges it poses to civic space.


Behavioral Change for a Successful Open Government Agenda in Jalisco, Mexico

An open government action plan has two expectations: an institutionalized open government and the possibility of solving a social problem previously identified through a co-creation process with society. The objectives of implementing an action plan are to practice the open…

Cocreation process of the Local OGP – 2 Countering COVID-19 with Open Innovation

A time of crisis can shine a spotlight on the quality of services offered by governments. As is the case during the COVID-19 pandemic, some governments are faced with unprecedented challenges that are hard to address due to unpreparedness and…

Democracy Beyond the Ballot Box 2019 Year in Review

Looking Back, Moving Forward

As for many organizations, the global impact of COVID-19 has altered the way the Open Government Partnership (OGP) will achieve its mission. To ensure the fundamental values of accountability, transparency, inclusivity, and responsiveness are at the forefront of how governments…


How Can Extractive Sector Laws and Policies Contribute to Gender Equality?

What do governments and international organizations mean when they say that they aim to advance gender equity in the context of natural resource governance? 

Open Government Partnership