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European Parliament 2024

We Must Protect Our Democracies Before It Is Too Late

In this pivotal moment, our response will shape the future of democratic resilience and security. It's time to clean our own houses and strengthen our democracies, reinforcing the global fight against kleptocracy and corruption. The urgency of these reforms cannot be overstated. We must act now, before it is too late.

Beneficial Ownership money

Beneficial Ownership Leadership Group: Impact, Achievements, and Future Directions

Launched in 2019, the Beneficial Ownership Leadership Group (or the Leadership Group) set out to advance global policy toward open beneficial ownership (BO) data, and achieve concrete progress by 2023. This summary examines the group's achievements, lessons learned by Open Ownership and the Open Government Partnership from co-convening the group, and future directions to advance BO reform.

Open Government Partnership