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Reform Space to Watch: High-Value Data in Kenya

As the new OGP government co-chair where will the Kenyan government display innovation in reforms and civil society issues? Read more to see where Kenya could lead international initiatives in anti-corruption, democratic reform, and climate change.


Four Takeaways from our Stakeholder Survey

A core tenet of the OGP model is that regular feedback leads to more effective policies. For this reason, over the past two years, we (the OGP Support Unit) have continued to survey our civil society partners to learn how the OGP process is working (see past results here). Below are four takeaways from the survey results, including how they relate to the new OGP strategy. 


Faces of Open Government: Torunn Reksten

Meet Torunn Reksten, a plain language expert at the Language Council of Norway and Vice President of the Plain Language Association International. She has played a pivotal role in championing plain language as a powerful tool for enhancing government communication,…


Faces of Open Government: Kai Klandorf

Meet Kai, the Executive Director of the Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organizations (NENO). Kai was a prominent voice at the 2023 OGP Global Summit in September 2023 and in this month’s Faces of Open Gov, she shares her views on…


Five Takeaways from the First OGP Local Assembly Meeting

OGP Local is the fastest-growing community within OGP, highlighting local governments' dedication to embracing open government practices. That is why OGP officially launched the OGP Local Assembly at the OGP Global Summit, bringing together more than 90 local heads of government and civil society leaders to showcase the thriving energy of open government initiatives at the local level.


Five key reflections from the latest IRM Results Reports

The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) recently published 23 Results Reports for 2019-2022 and 2020-2022 OGP action plans. These assessed 265 commitments from Africa and the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, the Americas, and Europe. 149 commitments led to early…

Open Government Partnership