Break the Roles Voices: Dagia Aka
Dagia Aka began advocating for anti-corruption reforms at the age of 15. In this video, Dagia tells us about the power of youth and how young people can shape open government policy.
Dagia Aka began advocating for anti-corruption reforms at the age of 15. In this video, Dagia tells us about the power of youth and how young people can shape open government policy.
Few policy areas present the potential for wide-ranging impact as public services. Explore the data behind the OGP Global Report explores how members have made important reforms in water and sanitation, health and education and gaps that still need to be addressed.
IRM researcher of Elgeyo-Marakwet County, Kenya, Ruth shares notable achievements and pending challenges out of the County.
Como investigadora del IRM en el condado de Elgeyo Marakwet (EMC), has evaluado el nivel de impacto y de implementación de los compromisos establecidos en los planes de acción del condado. EMC actualmente se encuentra implementando su segundo plan de…
The Nordics top the rankings on good governance, showing strong institutions, rule of law, and high levels of public trust See what they're doing in OGP.
Los cuatro países nórdicos, Dinamarca, Noruega, Suecia y Finlandia, se incorporaron a Open Government Partnership (OGP) con una línea base de apertura y transparencia muy alta. Estos países ocupan los primeros lugares en las clasificaciones de buena gobernanza, instituciones sólidas,…
Freedom of expression is an important sign of a thriving democracy, including across constantly emerging digital platforms and social media.
Una señal importante de una democracia próspera es cuando los ciudadanos tienen la libertad de expresarse sin temor a la persecución y esto incluye la expresión a través de plataformas digitales y redes sociales constantemente emergentes que ahora conectan a…
Meet Silvana Fumega, a researcher and advocate for open data and feminist open government.
Estaremos arrancando los 16 Días de Activismo en contra de la Violencia de Género, un momento importante para todas las mujeres y defensores de género trabajando para promover comunidades más seguras alrededor del mundo. ¿Cómo podemos usar OGP como una…
Multilateral cooperation - especially on securing peaceful, just and inclusive societies - is hardly in vogue right now. We are in an era of trade wars, populist nationalism, and attacks on civil liberties...
With the leadership of the Steering Committee 2019-2020 co-chairs, OGP will focus on people-centered justice, digital governance, and stronger civic space in the year ahead.
Desde hace más de dos décadas, he dedicado mi vida profesional a ayudar a crear gobiernos más abiertos, incluyentes, que rinden cuentas y que están formados por instituciones que trabajan por el bienestar de las personas. El próximo año tendré…
This article was originally published on Apolitical here. According to the World Economic Forum’s latest Global Gender Gap report, we are 108 years away from achieving gender equality, with persistent gaps in the economy significantly larger than those in health and education. Where data…
Representing the Government of South Korea, the incoming OGP Steering Committee co-chair, Minister Chin discusses how open government can empower citizens to shape policies that respond to their needs.
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