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New Approaches, New Opportunities: Expanding the Reach of Local Open Government

For OGP to be successful in making governments more transparent, accountable and responsive to citizen needs, it’s imperative that we engage leaders at all levels – including at the local level.

Parliaments as Partners for Open Government Reform

At OGP, we want to see more parliaments lead, championing OGP principles, and more parliaments working with civil society to put citizens back at the heart of government.


Securing human dignity through the lens of open governance

It has been exactly one year since I had the incredible honour of speaking at the opening of the 5th Global Summit of the Open Government Partnership in Tbilisi, Georgia. What made the occasion special for me, being South African,…

South Africa – Beyond Access Initiative – Flickr

Implementing SDG16+ Through the Open Government Partnership

For more on OGP's work with the Sustainable Development Goals, read our publication of the same name, Implementing SDG16+ Through the Open Government Partnership, here. The challenge of building peaceful, just and inclusive societies is at the heart of the…


United Kingdom – Revealing the True Owners of Anonymous Companies

Whether helping criminals launder cash, allowing terrorists to shift money, or providing a vehicle for the fantastically wealthy to avoid taxes, anonymous companies are the go-to tool for hiding money...


Liberia – Justice from the Ground Up

In Liberia, citizens often lack a clear understanding of how their justice system works. In an effort to build trust in the judiciary, the Chief Justice's Office of Liberia will improve government capacity...

Beautiful Riga old town panoramic view from above

Latvia – Empowering Anti-Corruption Watchdogs

In an effort to strengthen the current law, the State Chancellery and the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau created mechanisms to make it easier for individuals to report potentially unethical activity by the government.


Sri Lanka – Citizens Use the RTI Law to Retrieve Government Compensation

After decades of failed initiatives to promote the right to information, Sri Lanka finally enacted its Right to Information Act (RTI) in 2016. The law allows Sri Lankans to scrutinize their government more closely...


Colombia – Demystifying the Judicial System for Citizens

Colombia's legal system is complex and its citizens often complained of its inaccessibility. Colombia's Ministry of Justice and Law committed to developing a platform to help citizens gain better ...

Open Government Partnership