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Argentina Commitment to Erradicate Violence Against Women AP 2017-2019

Argentina – Amplifying the Feminist Movement

In Argentina, women experience higher unemployment, earn lower salaries for performing the same jobs as men, and do twice the amount of unpaid work as men.


Paraguay – Tackling the Culture of Secrecy in the Public Sector

In 2014, Paraguay became the 100 th country in the world to pass legislation that grants citizens access to public information. The work to open government, data and budgets began locally with one reformer determined to improve his ...


South Africa – Citizens Track Public Expenditure and Propose New Projects

Coined the rainbow nation to encapsulate the coming together of many different people, South Africa has been a global leader in budget transparency.


South Cotabato, Philippines – Citizen Monitoring of Public Infrastructure Projects

Inefficiencies in South Cotabato's procurement process led to delayed completion or hold up on implementation of 95 percent of planned infrastructure projects in 2017. A lack of publicly accessible information on the real-time status of ...

Orange the World 2017 – Uruguay – Montevideo

Uruguay – Bridging the Gaps in Gender-Based Violence Data

The Uruguayan government and civil society are working together to bring more awareness and clarity to the issue of gender-based violence against women. Together, they plan to combine and publish the fragmented information available on gender-based violence and streamline standards...


Buenos Aires – Vulnerable Citizens Have Equal Access to Reproductive Health Services

In Buenos Aires, access to sexual and reproductive health services is guaranteed for all residents by law, yet there is a stark gap between quality and availability...

Open Data in the Fight against Corruption

Our Collective Imperative: Fighting for Democracy in the Americas

The Americas have been the vibrant heart of OGP from the outset. So it is appropriate that we seek to build strong alliance with the Organization of American States (OAS). In the Americas, 19 countries are members of OGP as…

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Faces of Open Government: Danilo Manzano

Ecuador joined OGP in 2018 and are ready to submit their first action plan this year with a clear emphasis on inclusion. At the 6th OGP Global Summit, LGBTQ+ advocate and open government champion Danilo Manzano shared his thoughts about…

Open Government Partnership