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Beneficial Ownership money

Beneficial Ownership Leadership Group: Impact, Achievements, and Future Directions

Launched in 2019, the Beneficial Ownership Leadership Group (or the Leadership Group) set out to advance global policy toward open beneficial ownership (BO) data, and achieve concrete progress by 2023. This summary examines the group's achievements, lessons learned by Open Ownership and the Open Government Partnership from co-convening the group, and future directions to advance BO reform.


An Opportunity to Strengthen the Open Government Ecosystem in Brazil

Discover how the Brazilian Open Government Network (RGBA) is driving impactful change across federal, state, and local levels, fostering collaboration and innovation in governance practices.


Three Ways to Better Govern the Use of AI

OGP and the Government of Kenya convened reformers in government and civil society from 12 countries to discuss ways to govern new and emerging digital technologies. Here are three key conclusions for the governance of AI.

Social media public servants

Countering Disinformation: A Guidebook for Public Servants

As public servants, disinformation and the degradation of public trust have a palpable impact on our ability to effectively serve the public. To address this, the Government of Canada developed a guidebook to provide Canadian federal public servants with an understanding of the threat disinformation presents, as well as to offer a consistent approach to navigating this growing threat.

Valeria Torres Hero

Faces of Open Government: Valeria Torres

Meet Valeria Torres, Chief Public Management and Open Government Area at ILPES / ECLAC. Valeria has more than 20 years of experience in applied research and international processes related to sustainable development, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Open Government Partnership