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School Nigeria

Leveraging OGP to Implement the OCDS in Nigeria

Lessons from Reformers: The government of Nigeria made a commitment in its first OGP action plan (2017–2019) to adopt the OCDS in its public procurement systems.

Municipal Budget and Spending Data for Water in the Netherlands

Lessons from Reformers: Starting in 2015, Dutch local governments began providing financial data through a web portal at

Honduras construction

The Case for Open Contracting in Infrastructure

Lessons from Reformers: According to the International Monetary Fund, the inefficiencies in public infrastructure amounts to around 30%.

Beautiful Riga old town panoramic view from above

Committing Funding to Build Civil Society in Latvia

Lessons from Reformers: As part of the Soviet Union, Latvia did not have a tradition of civil society organizations...

Downtown Lagos

Security and Freedom of Association in Uganda and Nigeria

Lessons from Reformers: The fight against money laundering and terrorism has come into tension with freedom of association and assembly in a number of countries...

View from Tara mountain in Serbia, Europe. Drina river in the distance.

Fixing Past Problems with State Funding for CSOs

Lessons from Reformers: Serbia’s first OGP action plan (2014–2016) had an explicitly ambitious commitment on the transparent funding of CSOs...

graphic 2

Ukraine’s National Beneficial Ownership Register Goes Global

Lessons from Reformers: The government of Ukraine committed to an open registry as part of its 2016–2018 OGP action plan...

early childhood development in santo domingo

Learning Outcome Transparency is the Beginning of Improvement

Lessons from Reformers: The Dominican Republic’s 2016 action plan focused its education efforts on developing a digital tool, the “Educational Center Management System (SIGERD)...

Glasgow Royal Infirmary, designed by Robert and James Adam, Glasgow, Scotland

Trust, Privacy, and Openness in UK Health Reform

Lessons from Reformers: The National Health Service (NHS) remains an immensely popular part of the public welfare system in the UK, but most citizens also agree that it could be more effective and efficient.

Open Government Partnership