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Role Update: The Civil Servant in the Networked Society

When reading about Sweden being the most democratic country in the European Union (EU)2 you would be forgiven for thinking that there aren’t too many challenges to democracy here. Look beyond the rankings, however, and you will find room for improvement.

Politics – A Personal Affair, a Public Affair

The brutality of Jan Kuciak´s and Martina Kusnirova´s murders affected large masses of people in Slovakia and abroad because they linked everyday innocent life with the power of the state.

Women businesses Albania

Using Data on Women-Owned Businesses in Albania

Lessons from Reformers: In 2016, the Albanian Institute of Science (AIS)–one of the CSOs engaged in the OGP process in Albania–conducted a study using data on women-owned businesses...

A Message of Hope

In the run-up to the crucial May 2019 elections for the European Parliament, what we have ‘always’ taken for granted – liberal democracy, respect for universal human rights, and the rule of law – no longer remains uncontested...

Open Government Partnership