Empowering Civil Society for Better Control Over Digital Platforms
The internet has opened up new ways of thinking and empowering civil society to monitor governments, uncover corruption, overthrow dictators, and even strengthen democracy.
The internet has opened up new ways of thinking and empowering civil society to monitor governments, uncover corruption, overthrow dictators, and even strengthen democracy.
Europe is our joint special project based on liberal values, human rights, and fundamental freedoms...
The brutality of Jan Kuciak´s and Martina Kusnirova´s murders affected large masses of people in Slovakia and abroad because they linked everyday innocent life with the power of the state.
In a rather ironic fashion, and without etymological commonalities, the term algo-democracy may simultaneously refer to two things: a democracy that is heavily mediated by algorithms or an ailing democracy. ‘Algo’ can either stand for algorithm or pain.* More often than not, it stands for both.
Lessons from Reformers: In 2016, the Albanian Institute of Science (AIS)–one of the CSOs engaged in the OGP process in Albania–conducted a study using data on women-owned businesses...
Lecciones de los Reformadores: En el año 2016, el Instituto de Ciencias de Albania (AIS por sus siglas en inglés) – OSC que participa en los procesos de OGP en Albania- llevó a cabo un análisis de los datos disponibles sobre las empresas de mujeres...
Leçons à Tirer des Réformateurs : En 2016, l’Institut albanais des sciences (AIS), l’une des organisations de la société civile mobilisées dans le processus du PGO en Albanie, a mené une étude utilisant des données sur les entreprises appartenant à des femmes...
In the run-up to the crucial May 2019 elections for the European Parliament, what we have ‘always’ taken for granted – liberal democracy, respect for universal human rights, and the rule of law – no longer remains uncontested...
As Interior Minister, I deal with matters relating to the state of democracy in the Netherlands on a daily basis...
Lessons from Reformers: Whistleblowers serve a critical social function by flagging neglect or abuses in the public and private sector...
Lecciones de los Reformadores: Los denunciantes desempeñan una función social fundamental, pues dan a conocer abusos y negligencias que se presentan en los sectores público y privado...
Leçons à Tirer des Réformateurs : Les lanceurs d’alerte assument une fonction sociale essentielle en dénonçant la négligence ou les abus des secteurs public et privé...
Soft power works when a country or a bloc of countries “gets others to want what it wants”...
Lessons from Reformers: Obtaining official not-for-profit status for an organization in Ukraine has long been considered a difficult process.
Lecciones de los Reformadores: En Ucrania, ser registrado como organización sin fines de lucro ha sido considerado como un proceso difícil.
Leçons à Tirer des Réformateurs : L’obtention du statut officiel d’organisation sans but lucratif (OSBL) en Ukraine a longtemps été considérée comme étant un processus laborieux.
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