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Is inclusive, responsive, and accountable open government enough?

[sharequote align="left"] Tina Divjak However, we must not forget that procedures, no matter how rational, cannot ensure an equitable society; only collective political engagement can do so. Back to Main Page[/sharequote] How is it possible that, after two centuries of…

The Wrong Indicator

Underground rivers of money fed by corruption are one of our world’s deadliest flaws...

Democracy and Development, Thinking Forward

The EU together with its member states provides more than half the official development assistance globally. Democracy, rule of law, and human rights are at the very heart of the development policy strategy laid out by the European Consensus on Development.

Building the Common Good

There is no doubt that the current parliamentary democratic system is facing a widening distrust amongst the electorate.

A Shared Ambition in Defence of Democracy

As the 2019 European elections approach, with them comes the rejuvenation of Europe’s political representation. Although I face the end of my time as Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, I look beyond the horizon with eagerness and hope, towards a time of pragmatic change for Europe. But caution prevails...

Open Government Partnership