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Prozorro Office – Ukraine

Empowering Citizens as Watchdogs in Ukraine

Lessons from Reformers: After the successful launch of the ProZorro e-procurement platform in 2015, Ukraine launched DoZorro...


10 Tips to Make the Most of an OGP Summit

The Sixth OGP Global Summit kicks-off this week in Ottawa, hosted by the Government of Canada. Over 2,000 open government champions will be attending, from across the 79 OGP countries and beyond. In addition to the main programme which begins…

What It Takes to Rebuild Trust in Institutions

As European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid, I travelled to Haiti in the aftermath of the devastating 2010 earthquake. Over 200,000 people lost their lives and a large part of Haiti’s vital infrastructure was destroyed along with homes and businesses.

The OGP’s New Report is a Valuable Tool for Advocates

The OGP’s growth has been so rapid that it’s easy to forget that it launched only eight years ago. What started as a membership of eight countries in 2011 has blossomed into 79 countries and a number of local governments…

Democracy and Immigration – Culture of Fear

The impact of immigration and the recent refugee crisis have together contributed to the rise of far-right parties in Europe, which in turn poses a serious threat to the health of democracy on the continent.

A New Tool for Feminist Foreign Policy

A small but growing number of countries have committed to championing feminist approaches to foreign policy. Sweden, France and Canada, to different degrees, have all pledged in recent years to make gender equality a goal of their international assistance and diplomatic…

Open Government Partnership