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Lessons Learned: Co-Creation Developments in Ukraine

Ukraine celebrates over seven years of participation in the Open Government Partnership. During this time, it has adopted four and has implemented three national action plans. Some of these plans have included internationally recognized commitments, such as the e-procurement system…

Building on the Momentum: Co-creation Insights from Armenia

The creation of the fourth OGP action plan in Armenia coincided with a defining moment in the country. In April-May 2018, nationwide anti-government protests, referred to as the Velvet Revolution, led to drastic changes in the country’s political leadership, giving…


Why Gender, Why Now

Closing gender gaps is imperative to our organization’s growth, success and sustainability, and it is essential that all our fellow citizens - not just half of them! - have the right to information, right to participation, right to public services, and the right to realize their full potential.

U.S. Open Government Performance: S(low) and Less Steady

In August 2018, the Open Government Partnership’s (OGP) Independent Reporting Mechanism released its End-of-Term Report assessing U.S. performance under the government’s third national action plan covering the 2015-2017 reporting period. As the OGP’s National Researcher for the United States for…

An Opportunity to Walk the Talk: Making Gender Disclosure Part of the EITI Standard

By the end of 2019, the Open Government Partnership aims for at least 30% of OGP members  to take concrete gender actions, like more ambitious gender commitments and more inclusive co-creation processes. Later this month, the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative…


Faces of Open Government: Shyamala Gomez

Shyamala Gomez is the Executive Director at the Centre for Equality and Justice. How have gender commitments in Sri Lanka’s action plans contributed to inclusion and gender equality? Sri Lanka’s first OGP national action plan had two commitments on women.…


Making a Difference through Inclusion, SDGs, and Open Government

Read how Ukraine aligned their 2018-2020 OGP action plan with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Rethinking How We Use Open Government in Public Service Delivery

Service delivery is a critical frontier for an open government strategy. Public services are not only a key interface of people’s interaction with government, they also serve as a thermometer that can indicate a citizen’s satisfaction and trust in government.…

Open Government Partnership