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Launch of the OGP Multi Donor Trust Fund Support to OGP Participants

Making governments more open and accountable to citizens improves the effectiveness of service delivery, reduces corruption, and improves trust in government. However, the road to change can be difficult to embark upon and even more challenging to complete.  Improving the…

Faces of Open Government – Robin Hodess

Why is it important to talk about beneficial ownership transparency when we talk about open government? It’s very important when we are looking to opening up government that we understand the nexus of politics and business. When we don't know…

Open Government and Inclusion: The Road to Equality and Non-Discrimination

Today, we must consolidate the Open Government Partnership (OGP) as an effective platform to close the economic and opportunity gap. This is one of the main challenges that contemporary democracies are facing, especially in Latin America, the world’s most unequal…

Summit Background Photo

Co-Create the 6th OGP Global Summit Agenda

Français » Español » We are pleased to announce that the Call for Proposals for the 6th OGP Global Summit is now open with a submission deadline of February 6, 2019. The Summit will be held in Ottawa, Canada from…

A Spotlight on Results: Two New Publications Highlight Bold Reforms in OGP

With nearly 50 OGP members developing new action plans in 2019, we want to introduce new editions of our flagship publications to kick off the new year. These new reports highlight some of the biggest and boldest commitments among the…

The Yellow Vests movement and the urge to update democracy

In its last National Action Plan, France committed to 21 engagements for a more transparent and collaborative government. The Yellow Vests movement proves (once again) that it is urgent to implement our engagements with the Open Government Partnership to improve…

Open Government Partnership