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Seoul and the OGP Ten

As the government of the Republic of Korea welcomes open government champions from all over Asia-Pacific and beyond for this year’s Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting, here are a few things to expect. This year, eighty percent of OGP participating countries and…

Encuentro regional de Asia Pacífico de OGP 2018

Este texto es una adaptación del discurso que Kim Boo Kyum pronunció el mes pasado. Buenos días, sus Excelencias, distinguidos huéspedes, damas y caballeros. Mi nombre es Kim, Boo Kyum, Ministro del Interior y Seguridad.         Para mí es un…

Interview, Ms. Rikke Hougaard Zeberg, Director-General, the Danish Agency for Digitisation

1) Why is it important for a country with low levels of corruption, like Denmark, to be part of an organization like OGP? Openness, anti-corruption and citizen engagement are all continuously important issues – even to countries with a long…

Open Government Partnership