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Anunciando los premios de cocreación de 2018

Nos da muchísimo gusto anunciar a los nueve ganadores de los Premios del Fideicomiso de OGP de Participación y Cocreación. En total, recibimos 33 propuestas de gran calidad, por lo que para el Consejo del Fideicomiso fue muy difícil seleccionar…

Announcing the 2018 Co-Creation Awards

We are pleased to announce the nine winners of the OGP Trust Fund Participation and Co-creation Awards. Overall, we received thirty-three high quality proposals, making it very difficult for the OGP Trust Fund Council to select the awardees. The Council…

The Statistical Status Quo of OGP Open Justice Commitments

This blog is the second post in a multi-part series on open justice. The previous post made the case for open justice reform, whereas this post will delve into the status quo of open justice-related OGP commitments through a statistical…

Open Government in action: OAS and Germany support new initiatives in Latin America

The OAS Fellowship on Open Government in the Americas is a regional leadership initiative for the next generation of Open Government activists from public administration, civil society, and the private sector. Between 2015 and 2017, it has built a network of sixty-nine…

Launching the Open Parliament e-Network

“Parliament can be empowered only if it is open, transparent, accountable and inclusive. Since the initiation of Open Government Partnership (OGP), many countries around the world have committed to opening up the legislative institutions in partnership with the civil society.…

Open Government Partnership