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Protección del espacio cívico: Prioridad del sector privado

El espacio físico e intelectual que permite a las personas pensar, opinar y actuar libremente está amenazado en todo el mundo. Hoy en día, solamente el 4% de la población global vive en países donde el espacio cívico está abierto…


Protecting Civic Space: A Private Sector Priority

Space, both physical and intellectual, for people to think, speak, and act freely is shrinking around the world. Today, only four percent of the global population live in countries with open civic space. And threats to civic space within those…

OGP Academy 2017: Showcasing the best papers on co-creation in policymaking

In November 2017, OGP held the first “OGP Academy.” As part of our commitment to promote research and evidence in policy-making, OGP joined with GIGAPP (Grupo de Investigación en Gobierno, Administración y Políticas Públicas) and the University of Buenos Aires…

An Open City: Residents cocreating to transform Buenos Aires

Three years ago, the residents of Buenos Aires gave me the great responsibility to work together with them to transform their city. Since then, I have met with them on the streets, at bars, and on my morning runs. We…

Let’s co-create: many (and diverse) heads are better than one

Since Colombia joined the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in 2011, there has been a sustained interest in strengthening transparency, accountability, citizen participation ,and the use of new technology – all main pillars of OGP. Over the years, and through the…

Open Government Partnership