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2018 will be a big year for Georgia!

  This post originally appeared on Thea Tsulukiani’s blog. In 2016, partner governments and civil society organizations elected Georgia to serve as the Co-Chair of Open Government Partnership (OGP) – granting a great honor and responsibility. Starting from October 2017,…

The Right to a Glass of Milk – and to Live Life Fully

Adapted from OGP CEO Sanjay Pradhan’s opening remarks at the “Women and the Right of Access to Information Conference” at the Carter Center, Atlanta, February 14, 2018 I want to share with you a story from a remarkable woman, Lavalina…

Participa en los procesos de Planes de Acción 2018

Version Française » English Version » El 2018 será un año clave para la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (OGP por sus siglas en inglés), pues presentaremos muchas iniciativas interesantes. OGP se convertirá en organización independiente, lanzaremos el fideicomiso OGP,…

Open Government Partnership