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Three ways the Paris Declaration can advance Goal 16

Last December, during the 4th Open Government Summit in Paris, more than 20 contributors from governments, civil society organizations and multilateral organizations endorsed commitment 13 of the Paris Declaration, prioritizing improved access to justice through a focus on measurement and…

Argentina crea su Tercer Plan Nacional de Acción

Argentina presentó su Tercer Plan de Acción Nacional de Gobierno Abierto (2017-2019), resultado de los esfuerzos consolidados en la Estrategia Nacional de Gobierno Abierto, que propone transformar los modelos tradicionales de gestión pública y la relación del Estado con la…

Argentina Creates Its Third National Action Plan

As a result of the efforts surrounding the Open Government National Strategy, which aims to transform the business-as-usual public administration models and the relationship between the State and the citizenry, Argentina presented its third Open Government National Action Plan (2017-2019).…

Progress on OGP Group Work in Mexico

The Governance Team of WRI Mexico is promoting the strengthening of a group of cities with a permanent dialogue and dynamic co-creation of knowledge and methods. These have been developed to build progress towards the integration of the main principles…

SO — What is Open Government?

This post was originally written in Hebrew and was published on the Public Knowledge Workshop (Hasadna) blog and on Medium. A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a blog post about Open Data and the Desert, in which I explained that there is…

Open Government Partnership