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Paris Declaration: 20 Collective Actions to Accelerate Open Government

OGP French Government Team|

The Global Summit in Paris mobilized civil society and governments around concrete deliverables

The fourth Open Government Partnership Global Summit took place in Paris in December 2016. This unique multilateral event brought together a dozen Heads of State, hundreds of civil society organizations and 4000 delegates from 140 countries, gathered to collectively design the future of democracy. During the Summit, 300 events let open government actors from around the world share their vision and projects.

This summit is a success in many regards. High levels of institutional and political representation in Paris, engagement of a wider public and increased media attention are all testaments to the fact that this Summit helped put open government on the international agenda. The event successfully demonstrated how critical a participative and collaborative public life is from the local level to the global level.

The Paris Declaration on Open Government – The principles and new strategic directions, signed by the OGP Steering Committee provide a clear positive vision for how we will take OGP forward.  Moreover, the Paris Declaration included a “solution agenda”: 20 collective actions signed up by 30 governments (national and subnational) and 70 civil society organizations to put forward concrete actions to accelerate the implementation of open government. These reflect a set of themes where we can expect greater leadership and ambition in the months and years ahead.

The objective of the Paris Declaration collective actions is for governments and CSOs to join forces to set up concrete ways of working together to push open government forward, and advance reform at the global, national and subnational levels in the three political priorities of France and WRI, who are co-chairing OGP this year: transparency, integrity and anti-corruption; sustainable development and climate change; and common digital tools and capacity.

How do we move forward?

  • Leaders for each collective action

For each collective action, one government and one civil society organization will be in charge of leading the implementation (list of leaders soon to be published).

Each leader will have the responsibility of pushing forward the collective action and convening the other members that signed up the collective actions. Activities expected from leaders include: developing a roadmap, managing the community, collecting best practices, sharing tools and resources, defining international standards when necessary, supporting members in the implementation of the collective action on the national level – and adding to OGP National Action Plans etc. The OGP Working Groups and leaders will work closely together where the collective actions overlap with their area of focus.

  • Monitoring

All collective actions can be a source of inspiration for pushing forward OGP principle and values at a national level. To this end, on a regular basis, the leaders of collective actions will publish a short update outlining progress that is being made on each collective action. Moreover, after consulting with civil society, collective actions will be included in future National Action Plans so they will be assessed by the Independent Reporting Mechanism and fully embedded in the OGP process.

  • New actions

Any participants in OGP (government – national/subnational – or civil society) can join a collective action if interested.


Open Government Partnership