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Perceptions and Implementation of Open Government in Spanish Local Governments

What it is meant by Open Government and how is it perceived and implemented in Spain? Researchers from NovaGob.Lab and the Department of Political Science of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid sought to answer these questions by conducting a study which analyzes the perception and implementation of Open Government in the Spanish local context.

The study analyzes from the perspective of those responsible for the management of this public policy in Spanish local governments with more than 50,000 inhabitants. The results are grouped into six dimensions: Open Government Concept; Implementation of the Open Government; Transparency; Citizen Participation; Open Data; And Profile of Open Government Managers.

In particular, the analysis focuses on knowing the level of development of Open Government in the organization and what is the reality of the implementation of Open Government.

In conclusion, this study offers a “state of the art” and general notions about what is considered Open Government by the promoters of this emerging policy at the local level. More specifically, the study approaches issues related to a new model of public management, which is increasingly present in the Spanish local political-administrative area, but still requires a major boost in the near future. In addition, it is a study on the implementation in order to identify associated risks that may appear in the future, as well as recommendations for those who are in charge of this type of public policies.

To read the full study, click here.

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The study is licensed under Creative Commons and is accessible in the NovaGob Library for all users of this social network.


Open Government Partnership