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Improve Access to Information


Level of Government: Local (non-member)

Lead Institution: Kamianets Podilskiy City Council

Challenge Area: Access to Information


Implementation of innovative electronic services aimed at making it easier for citizens to access information

Problem(s) Addressed by Reform

Lack of effective electronic services and a single large platform for citizens and civic organizations to access information on submitting requests to the City council.

This reform will simplify the processes of: information exchange, use of new technologies and data sources, and support for ORO.

Promoting open government, sharing best practices and experience, strengthening the importance of working with transparency and active participation of civil society.

We strive to innovate, catalyze progress and facilitate learning within and across jurisdictions, while also engaging at the local, national and international levels to promote the values of open government.

Relevance to OGP Values

The action or reform described is highly relevant to the open government values of transparency, public accountability, and civic participation. By improving the management system, increasing transparency, and fostering community trust, this initiative aligns with key principles of open governance.


The initiative aims to improve transparency by opening up opportunities to enhance the management system. This can involve providing clear and accessible information about government activities, decisions, and performance metrics.

Engaging in regular consultations, public forums, and working groups demonstrates a commitment to transparency by involving diverse stakeholders in the decision-making process. This ensures that information is not only available but is also actively shared and discussed with the public.

Public Accountability:

The emphasis on transparency inherently contributes to public accountability. When citizens are informed about government actions, they can hold officials accountable for their decisions and performance.

Involving non-governmental organizations, businesses, and active citizens in consultations and working groups fosters a sense of shared responsibility. This collaborative approach holds both government and non-governmental actors accountable for the outcomes of initiatives.

Civic Participation:

The initiative actively promotes civic participation by engaging various stakeholders such as non-governmental organizations, businesses, and active citizens. This inclusivity ensures that a diverse range of voices is heard.

The creation of platforms for the exchange of ideas and the promotion of public initiatives empower citizens to actively participate in the governance process. This involvement goes beyond mere information sharing to actively seeking and incorporating public input into decision-making.

Community Trust:

Improving transparency, involving diverse stakeholders, and promoting civic participation all contribute to building and enhancing community trust. When citizens feel informed, heard, and actively involved, it fosters a positive relationship between the government and the community.

Sustainable positive changes in local government development are likely to result from increased community trust, as citizens are more likely to support and cooperate with initiatives when they perceive the government as transparent, accountable, and responsive to their needs.

Inclusive Decision-Making:

Regular consultations and public forums ensure that decision-making is inclusive and representative. By engaging non-governmental organizations, businesses, and active citizens, the initiative promotes diverse perspectives in the decision-making process.

This inclusivity helps prevent the concentration of power within a limited group and fosters decision-making that reflects the needs and concerns of the entire community.

Public Initiative Development:

The plan to promote the development of public initiatives reflects a commitment to empowering citizens to actively contribute to the governance agenda. This not only diversifies the sources of policy ideas but also allows for more innovative and responsive solutions to community challenges.

By encouraging public initiative development, the government signals a willingness to learn from and leverage the collective intelligence and creativity of the community, contributing to a more dynamic and adaptive governance approach.

Exchange of Ideas:

Creating platforms for the exchange of ideas facilitates a continuous dialogue between the government and the community. This enables the sharing of diverse perspectives, expertise, and innovative solutions, fostering a collaborative approach to problem-solving.

The exchange of ideas is a two-way process, allowing for mutual learning and understanding between the government and stakeholders. It promotes a culture of openness and receptiveness to new and effective approaches to governance.

Responsive Governance:

Through regular consultations and working groups, the government demonstrates a commitment to being responsive to the evolving needs of the community. This agility in governance allows for timely adjustments and improvements in policies and programs.

Responsiveness is a key aspect of open government, as it ensures that the government remains adaptive to changing circumstances and is willing to address emerging challenges promptly.

Capacity Building:

Engaging non-governmental organizations, businesses, and active citizens in the governance process provides an opportunity for capacity building. It enhances the skills and knowledge of stakeholders, creating a more informed and empowered community.

Building the capacity of various stakeholders contributes to a more effective and collaborative governance ecosystem. It enables stakeholders to meaningfully contribute to discussions, evaluations, and decision-making processes.

In summary, this action or reform demonstrates a comprehensive commitment to open government values. By focusing on transparency, public accountability, and civic participation, it lays the foundation for a more inclusive, responsive, and trusted governance system that can lead to positive and sustainable changes in local government development.

Intended Results

We expect to increase transparency and increase the level of public trust, to promote sustainable positive changes in the development of our local government.

We will make the government more open, inclusive, active and accountable to its citizens.


1. Creating a website that will involve the entire city community, online trainings, seminars, forums, and training, and all ideas will be implemented together with the community; citizens will also be able to publish their appeals and ideas on the website.
2. Developing partnerships with civil society organizations and businesses, joint projects using open data to improve the city’s infrastructure, and activating public participation through platforms for discussing ideas and civic initiatives.
3. Implementation of training programs for citizens on digital skills, promoting more active community participation in online processes and decision-making.
4. Introduce new tools for open governance, mentoring support from the international community, the opportunity to participate in international exchanges and promote their community.
5. Create an open government as a basis for the development of democratic values and jointly build a sustainable and prosperous future for our city.

Open Government Partnership