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Democratic Freedoms Learning Network


Five Lessons for Civil Society Collaboration

Civil society plays an essential role in democratic societies, leading to more ambition, stronger policies, and better results. See five important insights from a Democratic Freedoms Learning Network webinar on the importance of civic space.

Estonian open gov reformers at OGP event in Tallinn

Four Steps to Build Dialogue Between Government and Civil Society

How can governments build a more constructive relationship with civil society? Get started with four steps outlined by OGP members at a recent Democratic Freedoms Learning Network here.

Candlelight rally

Protecting Civic Space: Lessons Learned and Actions to Take

A vibrant and robust civic space is essential to open government. While we mark 10 years since OGP’s founding this year, we’re also facing 15 years of a steady decline in civil liberties, including in some OGP countries. In recent…

SARS Protests

Defending Civic Space: How OGP Can Step Up

There is a major opportunity in 2021 to advance civic space reforms in OGP that go to the heart of some of the democratic backsliding the world has seen in recent years, and to showcase them at the 10th anniversary Global Summit in December of 2021.

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Actions to Protect and Enhance Civic Space

Enhancing and protecting civic space is vital to achieving OGP’s bold goals of accelerating economic recovery, tackling systemic inequalities, and building resilient and citizen-centered democracies.

Open Government Partnership