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Faces of Open Government

Faces of Open Gov – Tari Photo

Faces of Open Government: Siti Juliantari Rachman

Meet Siti Juliantari “Tari” Rachman, an anti-corruption advocate in Indonesia. Tari shares how her interest in fighting corruption began and how she’s supporting Indonesia’s OGP commitment to open up contracting information and publish emergency procurement information on the national procurement portal.


Faces of Open Government: Philip Thigo

Philip Thigo has been the OGP point of contact in the Government of Kenya for many years, working with civil society partners to advance the open government agenda in the country.

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Faces of Open Government: Daniel Carranza

Uruguay is implementing commitments from its fifth open government action plan, engaging a wide range of stakeholders including government agencies, civil society organizations...


Faces of Open Government: Inita Pauloviča

The Director of the State Chancellery of the Republic of Latvia on public administration policy issues Inita Pauloviča shares her views on Open Latvia, a platform created to help Latvia in its co-creation process.

Aidan Eyakuze at the OGP Summit in Paris

Faces of Open Government: Aidan Eyakuze

OGP civil society co-chair Aidan Eyakuze shares some of the work he and his counterparts in Italy hope to achieve this year and his hopes for the future of the open government community. 

Rakesh Rajani at the 2019 OGP Global Summit

Faces of Open Government: Rakesh Rajani

As OGP celebrates its 10th anniversary, we sat down with Rakesh Rajani, an open gov advocate who has been involved with OGP since its inception.

Faces of Open Gov – Youth Collective

Faces of Open Government: The Open Gov Youth Collective

In celebration of International Youth Day, we sat down with five open government champions from the Open Gov Youth Collective to hear about why engaging youth in open government work is critical for moving the needle towards more transparent, accountable…

Open Government Partnership