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Faces of Open Government


Faces of Open Gov: Mary Francoli

Mary Francoli is the International Experts Panel (IEP) Chair and Associate Dean, Faculty of Public Affairs, Carleton University You are a chair of the International Experts Panel (IEP), the body overseeing OGP’s Independent Reporting Mechanism. How would you explain the role…


Faces of Open Government: Shyamala Gomez

Shyamala Gomez is the Executive Director at the Centre for Equality and Justice. How have gender commitments in Sri Lanka’s action plans contributed to inclusion and gender equality? Sri Lanka’s first OGP national action plan had two commitments on women.…

Faces of Open Government – Robin Hodess

Why is it important to talk about beneficial ownership transparency when we talk about open government? It’s very important when we are looking to opening up government that we understand the nexus of politics and business. When we don't know…


Faces of Open Government – Inese Kušķe

Inese Kušķe, Public Administration Policy Department, the State Chancellery of the Republic of Latvia, is responsible for elaboration of the Whistleblowing Law adopted by the Parliament on 11 October 2018. Inese Kušķe is a consultant for the Department For Public Administration Policy…

Rostros del Gobierno Abierto – Delia Ferreira

¿Cómo hacemos para recapturar la agenda anticorrupción que ha sido tomada por líderes populistas?Yo creo que no han capturado a la agenda, lo que capturaron es la narrativa. Uno tiene que explicar y mantener claro que una cosa es hablar…


Faces of Open Government: Delia Ferreira

What can we do to retake the anti-corruption agenda, captured by populist leaders? I don’t think the agenda was captured, what is captured is the narrative. We need to make clear that it is one thing to talk about corruption,…

Open Government Partnership