Lessons from Reformers: Mexico Builds a Regulatory Ecosystem
Explore Mexico’s journey to building one of the most transparent regulatory systems in the world, and see how they’re leveraging the regulatory system during COVID-19.
Explore Mexico’s journey to building one of the most transparent regulatory systems in the world, and see how they’re leveraging the regulatory system during COVID-19.
Learn about the European Parliament's Legislative Train, one of many initiatives by the European Commission aimed at making law-making processes more open and effective.
Learn how Estonia is opening up their regulatory processes to citizens through open government reforms.
Access to government legislation is an essential component of good governance. See how Albanian reformers transformed a fragmented and inefficient system for publishing government legislation into a more accessible and streamlined platform.
Lessons from Reformers: Researchers can dig deeper at the national level.
Lessons from Reformers: In 2016, Ireland committed to support the independence of adults with capacity difficulties.
Lessons from Reformers: The Legal Aid Interagency Roundtable agencies have worked across different presidential administrations to connect civil legal aid to each administration’s priorities.
Lessons from Reformers: Serving as grassroots advocates, community paralegals act as first responders to injustice in their communities.
Lessons from Reformers: Specialized courts can provide greater access to justice and transparency for individuals with legal problems.
Lessons from Reformers: The government of Nigeria made a commitment in its first OGP action plan (2017–2019) to adopt the OCDS in its public procurement systems.
Lecciones de los Reformadores: El Gobierno de Nigeria, a través de su primer plan de acción de OGP (2017-2019), se comprometió a adoptar el estándar EDCA en sus sistemas públicos de contratación.
Leçons à Tirer des Réformateurs : Le gouvernement du Nigéria s’est engagé, dans le cadre de son premier plan d’action en tant que membre de ce partenariat (2017-2019), à adopter la norme NDPMO dans ses systèmes de passation des marchés publics.
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